Short Fiction:
"Hunting Season" - Phantom Drift (2020)
"Elegy for My Father"- The Florida Review (2020)
"All Hermits Died on Thursday" - The Southeast Review (2019)
"The Wonder Rabbi" - Juked (2019)
"Transubstantiation" - Indiana Review (2019)
"Queen Elizabeth as Fungus" - The Golden Key (2018)
"The Hog Drive" - Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine (2018)
"Libation" - The Molotov Cocktail (2018)
"Eljay's Exile" - DIAGRAM (2014)
"The Dark Quadrangle" - The Journal (2020) [nominated for a Pushcart Prize]
"Mountains I'll Never Reach" - CutBank (Issue 93, 2020)
"A Geology of Memory" - The Common (2020)
"The Mysterious Lives of Appalachian Hermits" - The Offing (2019)
Peer-Reviewed Academic Articles:
"Willa and Edwin Muir's Alternative Kafka: Translation, Imitation, and the Fable" - Modernism/modernity (2023)
Literary Essays:
"Reengaging with Kafka's Astonishing Worlds" - Literary Hub (2020)
"Anna Kavan and the Rise of AutoSpec" - Los Angeles Review of Books (2020) & featured in Longreads.
Book Reviews:
"The Cosmopolitan Magic of Chrstine Wunnicke's The Fox and Dr. Shimamura" - Kenyon Review (2020)
"The Uncanny, the Unsavory, the Uncharted: A Review of Brian Evenson's Song for the Unravelling of the World" - Black Warrior Review (2019)
"A Melancholy Tightrope Act: The Beautiful Spectacle of Sabrina Orah Mark's Wild Milk" - The Millions (2018)
"Anna Kavan's Ice Age Dreams" - The Millions (2017)